Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Intro Quote.

Some have commented on the quote that I have up and I wanted you to know where it came from. Jeff Jensen writes for Entertainment Weekly and covers some of my favorite shows. Give him a read especially after LOST returns, he brings up some brilliant ideas....

For those who never read the quote here it is.... To read more click on the title above to jump.

"Most of the time, we live our lives within invisible systems, blissfully unaware of the artificial life, the intensely designed infrastructures that support them. Accidents, disasters, crises — [when] systems fail we become temporarily conscious of the extraordinary force and power of design, and the effects that it generates. Every accident provides a brief moment of awareness of real life, what is actually happening, and our dependence on the underlying systems of design. Every plane crash is a rupture, a shock to the system, precisely because our experience of flight is so carefully designed away from the reality of the event. As we sip champagne, read the morning paper, and settle in before takeoff, we choose not to experience the torque, the thrust, the speed, the altitude, the temperature, the thousands of pounds of explosive jet fuels cradled beneath us, the infinite complexity of onboard systems, and the very real risks and dangers of takeoff and landing.'' - Jeff Jensen

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